
Enterprise Ireland is the state agency responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. EI offers grants for Irish businesses to help them grow and expand. Below are some of the grants they offer.
Business Financial Planning Grant
The COVID-19 Business Financial Planning grant will provide a strategic intervention for companies to work with third party consultants to prepare a detailed financial and business plan with forecasts and assumptions.
Sustaining Enterprise Fund
Enterprise Ireland’s liquidity and medium-term financial supports are being delivered under the €180m ‘Sustaining Enterprise’ fund, launched in April 2020. Support of up to €800,000 can be provided to companies targeting them at their various stages of development and growth ranging from established companies to small enterprises and start-ups.
Sustaining Enterprise Fund – Small Enterprise
This fund will provide a €25k to €50k short-term working capital injection to eligible smaller companies to support business continuity and strengthen their ability to return to growth and be trading strongly in 3 years’ time.
Regional Enterprise Transition Scheme
The objective of the Regional Enterprise Transition Scheme is to provide assistance, including funding supports, to regionally-based not-for-profit undertakings that provide economic support to enterprises in sectors and regions negatively affected by Covid-19, as well as a consequence of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU (Brexit).
Accelerated Recovery Fund
The €31m Accelerated Recovery Fund is a new fund designed to provide support to Irish companies seeking to adapt their operations and business models to remain competitive and return to growth following the effects of the pandemic.
Covid-19 Products Scheme
The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in an urgent need across the EU and globally for medical and public health R&D, products and solutions. In response, The EU Temporary State Aid Framework has been amended to allow for, “the facilitation of research and development and expanded production into Coronavirus related products”.
Digitalization Voucher
The objective of the Digitalisation Voucher is to help companies prepare a plan for the adoption of digital tools and techniques across the business. Process Optimisation, Digital Customer Experience and Data Management will be essential to remain competitive post-Covid-19.
Evolve Strategic Planning grant
The Evolve Strategic Planning Grant is designed to support Enterprise Ireland clients to respond to the challenges and opportunities, which have arisen because of changes to the trading environment in the UK since January 1st, 2021.
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