News & Events

At long last, we have received news that the Tourism and Hospitality industries are reopening. It has been a considerable amount of time since the tourism industry has been buzzing with life. The current easing of restrictions is only allowing restaurants and bars to open for outdoor dining. To assist with this reopening, the government are now offering support to businesses operating in this sector, to enable them to function with ease moving forward.
The aim of this scheme is to provide support to individual, independent hospitality, and tourism businesses, towards the cost of equipment to allow additional outdoor seating and facilitate these
businesses to increase their outdoor dining capacity for summer of 2021.
To participate in this scheme, you must adhere to the following criteria:
• Applicants can apply for a grant of up to €4000 euro for up to 75% of the ex-VAT cost of
equipment purchased.
• Applications for this scheme must be made directly to your Local Authority.
• Local authorities to approve applications on submission of receipts and photography of
furniture in situ.
• The list of eligible expenditure is as follows:o Outdoor tables
o Outdoor chairs
o Umbrellas
o Electric heaters
o Screens/windbreaks
o Outdoor plant stands.
• Expenditure must be incurred between 1 April 2020 and 30 September 2021.
• Local authorities will administer the scheme through their internal process. Each local authority has the right to use their discretion regarding their process and the development of appropriate terms and conditions that are appropriate for their respective streetscapes, businesses etc.
• Scheme to open on Local Authorities website on the 12 April and close on 30 September
• All applicants will be required to comply with planning codes, legislative requirements, and other compliance requirements.
Section 254 Licencing: For applicants seeking to take part of the public realm in order to provide outdoor seating, a Section 254 Licence will be required in accordance with planning legislation. Proof of this licence will be required and will be a condition of the above grant approval process. Please note that the fees in respect of this licence for 2021 will be waived.
How to stay updated?
To stay updated on supports available in your industry during the reopening of these sectors, it is important to liaise with the relevant people and review the appropriate sites. The Revenue
frequently update their website to include information about government supports. Similarly, your local enterprise office will update their website to include any information regarding
available supports that can assist and enable businesses to better manage the reopening of industries. Your accountant will also be able to advise your business on your eligibility for available schemes. Ensure that you contact your accountant to learn of any available grants or schemes. It is important to communicate regularly with your accountant to stay in tune with supports available.
How can Cronin and Co help?
At Cronin and Company, we have experts in place who are acutely aware of the various financial packages on offer to help small businesses. If you think you may be eligible for this support and need assistance with your application, please contact our office